Listening Passage: (Student) "Excuse me, Professor. I'm a bit confused about the assignment. Could you clarify the due date and the required length of the essay?" (Professor) "The essay is due next Friday, and it should be between 500 and 700 words." Question: When is the essay due? a. Next Monday b. Next Wednesday c. Next Friday d. Next Sunday
GunakanListening Passage 1: (Woman) "I can't believe how much it's raining! I wish I had brought my umbrella." (Man) "Don't worry, I have an extra one in my bag. You can use it." Question: What is the woman's problem? a. She forgot her umbrella. b. She lost her bag. c. She doesn't like the rain. d. She is getting wet.
GunakanListening Passage 2: (Professor) "The midterm exam will cover chapters 1 through 5 of the textbook. Be sure to review your notes and the assigned readings." Question: What should the students study for the midterm exam? a. Chapters 1 through 5 b. Chapters 6 through 10 c. Only the assigned readings d. Only their notes
GunakanListening Passage 3: (Man) "I'm thinking about taking a trip to Europe this summer. Have you ever been?" (Woman) "Yes, I went to Italy last year. It was amazing!" Question: Where did the woman go last year? a. Spain b. France c. Italy d. Greece
GunakanListening Passage 4: (Woman) "I'm so tired. I've been working on this project all day." (Man) "Why don't you take a break? We can finish it later." Question: What does the man suggest the woman do? a. Take a break b. Finish the project c. Work harder d. Ask for help
GunakanMiss Adinda adalah seorang pengajar yang sangat berbakat dalam mengajarkan keterampilan mendengarkan untuk persiapan TOEFL di Kampung Inggris Pare. Beliau dikenal sebagai Ahli TOEFL - Listening Comprehension dengan kemampuan luar biasa dalam membantu siswa memahami dan menguasai bagian listening dalam ujian TOEFL secara efektif. Dengan pendekatan yang inovatif dan interaktif, Miss Adinda mampu menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang menarik dan penuh semangat. Beliau fokus pada pengembangan strategi mendengarkan, memahami berbagai aksen, dan meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menangkap informasi penting dari percakapan dan kuliah dalam bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, beliau juga siap membantu menjawab PR kamu tentang listening comprehension untuk TOEFL.
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